It's Party Day!

It is the perfect day for a party of the twitchy kind!
The breeze is crisp. The leaves are rich with color.

Energy is swirling around, crackling in the air and whispering

promises of magic and enchantments.

Stop by for a spell, or two if your brave;
A Fanciful Twist is the home of the rave.
Once, twice, and thrice times around
A more mystical place on the net can't be found.
So listen for sounds telltale of the day;
of magic and whimsy; of laughter and play.

"Our Hostess with the most-est":


Salinda said...

what enchanting photos. happy halloween!

{Daydreamer} said...

Ahhhh! :::::::running away screaming::::::: That was spooky.

Happy nightmares,
Daydreamer :)