Welcome Weekend!

this weekend is all about shop maintenance. uploading photos. downloading photos. listing. listing. listing.
Which is good news. not complaining~ except it is exceptionally beautiful out this afternoon and i have a few dolls that are taunting me to finish them from across the studio. But I refuse to give into them! I have put this off long enough- and considering last weekend was an exceptional art show- with wonderful people (and equally wonderful sales) it is time to update and re list. *sigh*
that doesn't stop me from wishing I were here...

But those days will come soon enough. So I continue my lessons in patience.

Today is the 2nd annual Where Bloggers Create blog party. which as you can see- due to scheduling, i have missed this year. *pout* but please head on over to My Desert Cottage and take a gander at all of the wonderful studios out there in Blogland!  It is probably a good thing- since the recent show schedule, creative hurricane and just down right hot weather/rain my studio looks more like this...
and this...
rather than those beautiful, organized studios you will see along your travels. I tried. i failed. I like to call it.. Creative Chaos. it's a process.

Okay- enough procrastination. time to get back to the photos and listings and uploads, and downloads...

Don't Forget.. The Countdown has begun for the Tea party! Click on the side link for more details- or just pop over and say hello  to Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist for all of the details and a sneak peek at her preparations!

Live well.
Love each other.


Elena said...

Actually I think your studio looks well loved and worn...like a favorite toy. Thanks again for the beautiful comments you left on my blog! HUGS!!

cinnibonbon said...

Hey sweets!
I've been lost in activities as well as just being a bum! I'm so glad you stopped in and led me back to you- it's been so, so long that we've been regulars!
Hey hey-i love that you had a wonderful show and an equally pleasing amount of sale- yeaaa hooowww.
Oooh don't I know about missing where bloggers create- twice!! Yeah yeah---I've got no excuse - just couldn't yet my sh** together! Hehe
Anyways- I'm glad all is going well!! Hey I'm back on facebook too so hit me up!