It's Friday!!

I love Fridays. I used to love Mondays - a long time ago. But now I really love Fridays! Fridays mean that I don't have to go back to that nasty day job (it's not that bad, it's just not home, it's just not the studio) for two whole days, and I get to stay beneath my trees and just be. Saturdays are usually studio days and Sundays mean early morning farmer's market, catching up on the goings on about town while relaxing on the porch at Perk with a great cup of coffee and great people. It's amazing how inspiring that short trip to town is on Sunday morning. The afternoon finds me excited to get back to the studio, ideas just start flowing non-stop (I'm starting to think Jill is putting something in the coffee!! Lol!)
I stopped by Ostara* on Wednesday to drop a few more things off for Musikfest - which was in full swing. We went early in the day, arriving around 3:00 - by 5:15 the streets were alive with hundreds of people, and music was heard from every corner. If you've never experienced Musikfest, it really is one of those, have to do at least once in your life things. The entire downtown of Bethlehem literally shuts down its streets and opens them to musicians, artists and of course "festers". It is a nonstop concert for 10 days. Evey type of music you can imagine - but to really experience Musikfest - you have to go to Festplatz - It is literally the party-platz- because 80% of the bands play POLKA. I know - ewh. There is a time and place for polka music. You take a polka band, on a hot summer night, place it in the middle of a few hundred people (ages 2 to 72) with no where to go and nothing to do but relax, eat, drink and have fun - and all of a sudden it is transformed into the hottest act in town! So much fun!


Jill said...

Damn, you found me out. I would share the formula with you, however, you know what they say...I could tell you but then I would have to....see you tomorrow!

Hey, when can we blow up Ken?

Whisperings 13 said...

Ah HA! I knew it! he he he! - See ya in the a.m.! (I think I am better off not knowing then - If I were.... you know.... I don't think they would be serving coffee where i'd wind up! HA) -

oh, Did I forget about Ken? I'll post him soon - he melts in a very unusual way. mwaaa haa haaaa (evil laugh with an eye twitch!)